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FairReplay Introduction

FairReplay is the most affordable replay solution designed to run on the Windows operating system, supporting various configurations. It allows you to ingest video from webcams or broadcast SDI cameras.

FairReplay offers multiple tools for working with video.

FairReplay Recorder serves as a video server, handling the ingestion, conversion, encoding, and storage of video for other tools.

FairReplay Viewer is a client tool that allows you to view, tag, and replay videos stored on the Recorder.

FairReplay One is all-in-one solution that offers Replay/VAR in simple way.

In addition to these tools, FairReplay provides features such as cloud encoding, live video graphics overlays, and automated video workflows. Integration of these tools with your system may be required, so feel free to contact us for a demo and to discuss whether FairReplay is the right fit for your needs.

Quick start

Recorder and Viewer One

Full documentation

Recorder Viewer One


Youtube channel


Recorder Viewer One