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Can Viewer Ping Recorder or Vice Versa?

Try both cases to see if computers can ping each other:

  • CASE 1: Computer 1 is Viewer and Computer 2 is Recorder.
  • CASE 2: Computer 1 is Recorder and Computer 2 is Viewer.

How to Get the IP of Computer 1?

Press WIN + R and type cmd , then press


In the CMD type ipconfig and press


Now remember this IPv4 address (example: for the next step.

Ping Computer 1 From Computer 2

On Computer 2:

Press WIN + R and type cmd , then press


In the CMD type ping COMPUTER_1_ADDRESS and press


  • GOOD: Computer 2 can see Computer 1

I can ping Recorder from Viewer, but in the section "Select Recorder", I do NOT see the Recorder: Add Recorder By IP.

  • BAD: Computer 2 CANNOT see Computer 1
  • Ensure that both Computer 1 and Computer 2 are connected to the same router.