Prepare Windows for Best Performance
These settings make your computer run for best performance.
Please make sure every setting listed is set!
High Performance Power plan
Press WIN + R
and type powercfg.cpl
then press
Select a High Performance power plan.

Don't have High Performance power plan:
Way 1:
- Click on the Battery, and then in the popup click battery icon.

- Set Power mode to Best Performance.

Way 2:
- Move the Slider to Best Performance.

Program Graphics Settings to High Performance
In This Example we are setting the Recorder and Recorder's MServer to High Performance.
When setting the Viewer or One, also set its MServer to High Performance!
Open Graphics settings:
Press WIN
and type Graphics settings
then press

- Click Browse.
- Select FairReplay.exe
Default path:C:\Program Files\FairReplay Recorder
- Click Options.
- Set High Performance on Best GPU.
FairReplay MServer
- Click Browse.
- Select MServer.exe
Default path:C:\Program Files\FairReplay Recorder\DLLs

- Click Options.
- Set High Performance on Best GPU.
Nvidia to High Performance
Open NVIDIA Control Panel:
Press WIN
and type NVIDIA Control Panel
then press

Select Manage 3D settings
Set Settings:
Set the Power Management mode to Prefer maximum performance.
Set the Vertical sync to Off.
Set the Prefered graphics processor to High-performance NVIDIA processor.
When your computer has more than 2 GPUs, select the High-performance NVIDIA processor.
May show on your computer.
Save changes by clicking Apply in the bottom right corner.
Update Windows Updates and Pause
Updates make your computer run Slower and the FairReplay program can malfunction.
When updates aren't paused, Windows may initiate updates while you are using the FairReplay program.
Press WIN
and type Windows Update settings
, then press

Click Pause for 5 weeks
or at least 1 week. When you are finished using the computer for the day, please update your Windows.

Optional: Windows Visual to Best performance
Recommended for Old and Low performing computers.
Press WIN + R
and type SystemPropertiesPerformance
then press
Click Adjust for best performance
, and then click Ok
or Apply